when God,
he of the Name unspoken
got tired of all the lies,
got tired of the half hearted
promises to save the trees, mow the lawn,
stop sneaking cookies and
slinking to images
of cheap thrills
to get through the night,
so he decided to begin again
wilth rain and rain and rain
and solid ground began to disappear
and if you didn’t have a big enough boat
to weather the stunning wet
you were a goner
and it didn’t matter that
you were never on TV
or found your perfect soul mate
or knew about adverbs
and the benefits of kale
or that you’d vowed again,
beginning tomorrow,
that you’d really start to change.

Stewart Mintzer lives in Southern California near the Redwoods and the sea. He is a writer and artist, looking for ways through disempowering stories and trances, ways back to ground and heart.