Dear Man-who-was-pumping-gas
We need men to call each other out on harassment and educate their male friends.
What Does It Mean to Be a Woman?
“We can start by accepting that femininity is not a weakness, but a space for each of us to grow in a world that forces us to shrink.”
Women & Leadership from a non-binary perspective
“No offense, but the cis understanding of gender, on an emotional level, fundamentally lacks nuance.”
The Phenomenal Woman: A Poem Series
By Leila Gillings The Phenomenal Woman She walks into the room Head held high, With the wings on her back Giving her the motivation to fly The eyes of judgment stare at her She knows she is made of gold All she ever needs to do is...
Outcast, by Rose Oliver
This is not my home.
No boundaries contain me,
I go where I’m not wanted,
wipe my feet on the
the unwelcome mat.
Visitation, by Adrian Dunn
she reads the signs
she sees her future
Remember the Great Flood, by Stewart Mintzer
when God, he of the Name unspoken got tired of all the lies, got tired of the half hearted promises to save the trees, mow the lawn, stop sneaking cookies and slinking to images of cheap thrills to get through the night, so he decided to begin again...
An excerpt from SLIPPER, by Hester Velmans
SLIPPER is the story of a poor orphaned stepchild, a would-be princess, whose search for one true love or another takes her all over 17th century England, France and the Low Countries. Born under mysterious circumstances, she grows up to be a dreamer, a cinder sweep, a runaway, a camp follower, a kisser of frogs, a beggar, a thief, a mother and an artist. Along the way she learns what to do about men. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that her life is a fairy tale come true.
Can a Tree Teach Race Relations? Magnolia Justice, by Jana Laiz
I often dream entire passages or lines for books I’m writing and one night, I woke with this line, “I remember the Winter long ago, the one that lingered like regret.” I had to rustle around in my bedside table to find paper and pen to write it down. When your dreams offer you lines like that, you don’t say no. Later that same day, my husband came into my office and said, “You should write a story about a lynching tree from the point of view of the tree.”
Abortion & Politics
“Showcasing how dark the movement actually was.”
Climate PSAs, by Susan Spiegel Solovay
There’s something you can do!
Letter to the Earth, by Anne Legêne
O Earth, I am of thee….